Grassy Woodlands, Native Pastures and African Lovegrass
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A field day on the impact of African lovegrass on native plant diversity and options for control in conservation areas.
Friday 6 November, 9.15am-1pm, Bemboka.
The spread of African lovegrass is a key threatening process in Lowland Grassy Woodland communities, significantly and rapidly reducing biodiversity. Josh Dorrough and Jackie Miles will lead a field day showing the impact of African lovegrass in these endangered ecological communities and on native pastures and looking at options for controlling this weed in conservation areas.
If you are interested in maintaining native pasture or looking after a Lowland Grassy Woodland community on your property, come along to this field day that includes a practical plant identification session and how to set up a quadrat to monitor diversity, as well as discussion of control options and the results of recent research on African lovegrass in the Bega Valley.
This workshop is free, with morning tea provided. For bookings email or call Ali Rodway on 0417 246 896.