20 Million Trees Programme Round 2
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Round Two of the 20 Million Trees Programme invites applications from individuals, organisations and community groups such as schools, landholders and conservation groups to apply for funding of between $20,000 and $100,000 to plant trees in a range of urban, peri-urban and regional environments across Australia.
To assist applicants to plan their projects, the Guidelines and other key information are available online at http:// http://www.nrm.gov.au/national/20-million-trees/competitive-grants-round-two. Applications for Round 2 can be submitted from early August using the online form. Applications must be submitted by the closing time of 2.00pm AEST (Canberra time) 16 September 2015.
The 20 Million Trees Programme is part of the National Landcare Programme. The Australian Government has committed $50 million over four years to the 20 Million Trees Programme. Under Round One, grant funding of over $4.5 million is already enabling projects across 6 states to plant over one million trees.
The Programme will support projects that involve the community in re-establishing native vegetation, provide habitat to support our threatened species, sequester carbon from the atmosphere and help to create greener spaces to improve the liveability of Australia’s cities and towns. Priority for Round Two will be given to projects with positive outcomes for threatened species and threatened ecological communities listed under the EPBC Act.
For Round Two, applicants have the option to apply in the same application for up to three Green Army Teams to assist with their 20 Million Trees Project.
Information on the application process is available in the Guidelines.