Sutton Landcare Group Meeting
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August Sutton Landcare Meeting: “How studying the history of Lake George can give us clues about our future climate in a warming world.”
Date: Tuesday 11 August 2015
Venue: Sutton School
Time: 7.30pm
Speaker: Dr Bradley N Opdyke, Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist, ANU Research School of Earth Sciences, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
In early 2015 the Australian Research Council funded a research project that will look into the history of Lake George Basin and catchment. A large team of scientists will be participating from the ANU, The University of Sydney, The University of Wollongong, and Geoscience Australia. They will be looking at the groundwater history, the landscape evolution, the recent tectonics of the area, archaeology, and the paleoclimatic history. Bradley will briefly introduce the broader picture then concentrate on the possible things we might learn that will help us plan for the changes coming in the near future. Bradley is an expert in his field of paleoclimatology and a great communicator on the science of climate change, so this should be a great night for all those interested in this critical subject.
Further details can be obtained from Sutton Landcare Secretary Tony Redmond on (02)6230 3266