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West Griffith McPherson Range Prickly Pear Control Meeting

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20 May 2015 - 7:30pm
Griffith City Council has been actively working within the McPherson Range and Lake Wyangan basin over the last few years tackling a number of noxious weeds, with a particular focus on Prickly Pear.   
The Council is now working towards control of this weed within the subject area and wishes to invite residents of this locality and other interested persons to a public meeting at the Griffith Scout Hall at 7:30PM on Wednesday 20 May.
For further information about Prickly Pear including identification, management methods and your legal requirements, please click on the below links:
Should you have any further questions, please contact Griffith Council's Noxious Weeds Inspector, Anthony Berry on 6962 8100 or anthony.berry@griffith.nsw.gov.au 

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