What Eucalypt is that? - Murrumbateman Landcare
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Can you tell a Scribbly Gum from a Brittle Gum?! What about a Apple Box from a Yellow Box? If not, don’t worry because if you come along to Murrumbateman Landcare’s next meeting 7pm Thursday April 2nd you will learn how to recognise those as well as many other local trees. Come and hear CSIRO plant ecologist Michael Doherty present an interactive talk on how to identify the eucalypts found in the woodlands and forests of the region, with tips on how to use bark, flower buds and gum nuts to differentiate species. We will also hear learn about their distribution, their ecology and how they cope with fire and mistletoes. Michael will also touch on the key features needed for identifying some of the larger local shrub species, particularly Acacias. Specimens permitting, we will try our hand at keying out some of the common species.
If you have a tree on your property you are puzzled about Michael and MLG can help you identify it….bring a good picture or some leaf/bud/fruit material and description of the trunk – is it smooth barked, rough barked, half and half, blotchy patches of colour or all the one colour? Or what about mistletoe? Mistletoe is often found in eucalypts and is highly valuable resource for birds and wildlife. Most eucalypts can sustain a very high number before beginning to affect tree health but if you are a little concerned about one of your trees bring a picture of the tree canopy and we’ll assess how healthy your tree is.
Venue: Murrumbateman Recreation Grounds Hall.
After the meeting you are welcome to stay and chat, have a cuppa tea / coffee or even a hot chocolate along with a light supper. If you would like to bring a plate to share of your favourite nibblies please do.
Gill Hall
Secretary Murrumbateman Landcare Group