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Communicating biosecurity, animal health & emergency diseases

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26 Feb 2015 - 5:30pm

CSUInvitation to participate in research project

The proposed dates and times for the first focus group discussion are:

Thursday 26th February 2015 from 5.30 to 8.30pm or
Friday 27th February 2015 from 10.00am to 1.00pm

Researchers from the Charles Sturt University School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences are conducting a study investigating the communication networks, motivations and extension needs among different livestock production sectors in South Eastern Australia. The research aims to investigate how improved communication and extension strategies may assist in behavioural change in relation to biosecurity, animal health and management of emergency animal diseases (EAD). Through participating, you will be providing a valuable contribution to the overall knowledge and understanding of smallholder producers and biosecurity.

To assist with this important research they are seeking 8-10 producers keeping between 1 and 50 cattle and/or between 1 and 50 sheep ( i.e. cannot keep more than 50 head of either species) to participate in an initial focus group discussion and a follow up focus group discussion, 6 to 8 months after the initial one is held. In the 6mth period between the two focus groups, you will be asked to complete a simple checklist to keep records of communication and extension methods and the biosecurity and disease management practices used.

The proposed location for the focus group discussions is Wagga Wagga.

The total time involved for each group is estimated to be 3 hours which includes the time for the focus group discussion and breaks. You must also consider your travel time to and from the venue, which should not exceed one hour each way, and the time involved in completing the checklist. Participants will receive a $50 gift voucher for each focus group discussion as recognition of their time and contribution. Lunch and morning tea will also be provided. In addition, participants will receive resources and guidance in the area of livestock production and management.

If you are interested in assisting with this important research or would like further information, please contact a member of the Charles Sturt University research team.

Ms Lynne Hayes Email: lhayes@csu.edu.au Phone W 02 6933 2802

Thank you

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