Green Army project - Round 3 applications due
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Applications are now open for Round 3 of the Green Army project.
Community organisations, environment groups, Indigenous organisations or local councils can apply for projects in their region.
Key dates
Round 3 applications open 12 February 2015
Round 3 applications close 17 March 2015 at 2pm AEDT (Canberra time)
What projects are eligible?
Projects must have a clear environment or heritage conservation focus and offer participants valuable practical experience, while supporting a safe work environment. Projects will be guided by local community needs and contribute to Australia’s national and international environmental priorities and obligations.
A full list of eligible activities is provided in the Green Army Round 3 Project Guidelines 2015-16. To be eligible for this round, one project must be ready to commence between 1 June 2015 and 30 June 2016. Applicants who were unsuccessful through previous rounds may re-apply under this round.
More information
Call the Green army hotline on 1800 780 730