Erosion Control Workshop
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Want to learn how to best manage erosion problems in your park or reserve?
Southern ACT Catchment Group in partnership with the Regional Landcare Facilitators Program invites ParkCarers and Landcarers in the ACT to attend a workshop on low cost solutions for volunteer workers to help stop active erosion in the parks and reserves in which they work.
The workshop will provide valuable information on understanding local landscape processes and guidance on how to target and undertake control works using a soft approach to kickstart natural repair in gullies.
Cam Wilson from Earth Integral will instruct us on two Saturdays covering theory and principles of erosion control, field visits and an opportunity to apply methods in an actively eroding gully in Mugga Mugga Reserve.
RSVP essential to: Maritine Franco on 62966400 or at For more information click here for flyer.