History Board Unveiling
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“Winchendon Vale The Early Years” is the title of a history board to be unveiled to the public at 11am on Sunday October 12 at Winchendon Vale 22km north of Marrar at the intersection of the Marrar North and Springwood roads.
The board has been researched and designed by the Winchendon Vale Landcare Group and will be located at the site of the two community halls which served the district for over 65 years.
The first hall was opened in 1913 as a pise brick building affectionately known throughout the district as the “Mud Hut”.
Its famous dance floor was retained and used in the new steel framed hall which replaced the crumbling pise hall and was opened 60 years ago on October 8 1954.
In the early years Winchendon Vale also had its own school (from 1889 to 1935), telephone exchange, tennis courts and sports ground for cricket and Australian Rules football.
Little remains now of these facilities but the memories of them and those of the many families who farmed the land around them will be preserved on the history board.
All interested present and past residents of the district are invited to the unveiling which will be followed by a cuppa and sausage sizzle at a nearby property.
For further information contact Ralph Billing 69275171 or rosemere@ skymesh.com.au
Winchendon Vale Landcare Group