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Gang-gang Survey – August Muster Count

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21 Aug 2014 (All day)

The Gang-gang holds special significance for the Canberra Ornithologist Group (COG) and the ACT. It is the logo of COG and of the ACT Parks and Conservation Service. Despite this, little is known about the ecology of the Gang-gang within the ACT region, about its abundance, movements or what affects movement patterns, about its food preferences or seasonal distribution, or the frequency or success of breeding events. As part of celebrating 50 years of activity in the ACT and region, COG is running a citizen science project to learn more about Gang-gangs within the COG Area of Interest which stretches from Goulburn to Adaminaby and Burrinjuck Dam to Lake Bathurst

The purpose of the Muster count is to obtain a better understanding of the presence or absence of Gang-gangs across the ACT region.  For this we need people looking out for Gang-gangs from many locations across the region, all in the same week.   Therefore it is just as important to know if you don’t observe any Gang-gangs in the Muster week.  Please send in your form whether your see birds or not.

Visit the COG website for more infromation and links to the survey forms.


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Dr. Radut Consulting