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Hothouse Workshop for Landcare Groups

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6 Aug 2014 - 9:30am

This hothouse workshop for Landcare presents a great opportunity for a group or network representative to build skills and understanding in a few key areas that contribute to the health and good function of your Landcare group and/or networks.  What you take away from this workshop will apply beyond your involvement in Landcare. 



Hothouse Workshop for Landcare

Each workshop includes a Hothouse Essentials unit which covers:

  • Roles + Responsibilities of the Committee; 
  • Communications + Advocacy and Reporting Obligations. 


Goulburn on the 6th of August.  Venue to be confirmed.  TIME: 9:30 to 15:30


This workshop is targeted at Landcare group and network representatives in the NORTHERN* half of the South East LLS region - a workshop for the southern half will be organised subsequently.  Existing and future committee members should think about coming along.

This fully catered workshop is designed for 20 participants - there is no cost and places will be allocated to reach as wide a range of groups/networks as possible. * - Northern Landcare networks include Illawarra, Shoalhaven, Wingecarribee, Goulburn groups, Upper Lachlan, Boorowa and Yass.  Others may attend but priority will be given to these network areas.

RSVP by Friday 1st August 2014:

Peter Pigott on 4429 4449 or peter.pigott@lls.nsw.gov.au.  Please include any specific dietary requirements

PDF icon Hot House workshop.pdf1.06 MB

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Dr. Radut Consulting