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Landscape Links for Small Bushland Birds

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20 Jun 2014 - 1:30pm

The Landscape Links for Small Bush Birds Project has now been completed with the successful construction of 23 exclosures in Yass, Murrumbateman, Taylor’s Creek and Jeir, NSW.

The exclosures are planted with native tree, shrub and forb species and will provide “stepping stone” links for small bush birds between isolated woodland remnants. The created habitat is predicted to increase connectivity in the highly modified landscapes of the region, and in turn, enhance connectivity in the wider GER corridor, particularly as some species are north-south migrants that use the wider GER region in their movements. 

The project generated an enormous response, however due to a limited budget, unfortunately only a small number of applicants were able to participate.

A connectivity workshop has therefore been organised to enable landholders and others to gain an appreciation of the region’s bird species and the importance of connectivity. Information will also be provided to assist interested landholders to independently take steps towards creating habitat and connectivity for small bush birds.

Connectivity scientists from ANU and CSIRO, Canberra Ornithologists Group and Threatened species Ecologists have generously donated their time to present current research and information.

Please see the attached invitation and feel free to pass it on to others you feel may be interested in attending.  

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Dr. Radut Consulting