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Alpine Seed & Plant Ecology Symposium, Canberra

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12 Jun 2014 - 9:00am

Symposium Invitation: Alpine Seed and Plant Ecology in the Aust Alps - 12 June 2014

The half day symposium will present work arising from research labs around the country including the outcomes of ANU/ANBG Australian Research Council linkage grant on alpine
seed and seed ecology. Researchers will have posters on display and will be available
to discuss their work.

Confirmed speakers include:

• Professor Ary Hoffmann (Melbourne Uni.)
• Associate Professor John Morgan (La Trobe Uni.)
• Associate Professor Adrienne Nicotra (ANU).

Spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first come basis. There is no registration fee. To register please email alpsymposium@friendsanbg.org.au no later than 29 May 2014.

Please include your name, organisation, contact details and let us know whether you are interested in joining us for dinner, at your own expense. Dinner will be at a location convenient to the ANBG; arrangements will be confirmed at the symposium.

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Dr. Radut Consulting