Schools tree day
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Planet Ark's National Tree Day and Schools Tree Day provide all Australians with an opportunity to do something positive for the environment and reconnect with nature.
Planet Ark works with councils, schools and community groups to help hundreds of thousands of Australians plant over 1 million native trees, shrubs and grasses at more than 4000 Tree Day events.
In 2014, National Tree Day will be on Sunday 27th July & Schools Tree Day Friday 25th July.
Teacher resource- Event registration ,toolkits for organisers, lesson plans and resources, including posters, fliers and you tubes (Jackie French Diary of a Wombat and Ranger Stacey in How to Plant trees).
Register your site with Landcare Australia.
Teacher and student resource- Short videos that explore leaves: Leaves come in many shapes, sizes, colours and textures. Discover such things as how leaves make their own food and transport energy to the rest of the plant, why plants make fruit.
The Plant Kingdom
Resources include:
Yr 5 - 9
Classroom resource
A simple overview of the plant kingdom.
Common Australian Plant Families
Yr 5 - 12
Classroom resource
An overview of common Australian Plant Families for school teachers and budding botanists.
Yr 5 - 12
Classroom resource
Perfect for budding botanists, this guide will help you grow native plants with tips on collecting seeds, germinating seeds and growing from cuttings.
Years 5 - 9
Onsite teacher guided activity (one hour)
How have Australian plants adapted to different climates? Visit the Gardens and compare the Rainforest Gully and Mallee Shrublands with your students. Also available as facilitated programs programs Wet and Dry for preschool - yr 2 and Around Oz in an Hour for yr 3-12.
Years 5 - 9
Onsite self guided activity (one hour)
Discover fascinating facts about the importance of Australian plants in the past and today. Teacher notes include explanations, suggested answers, and ideas for extension work when you are back at school.
Years 5 - 9
Onsite self guided activity (one hour)
Explore the weird and wonderful adaptations of Australian plants. See survivors from prehistoric times. Find plants that are almost fire-proof and plants that need fire to survive. Teacher notes include the Aussie Survivor booklet as well as explanations, suggested answers, and ideas for extension work when you are back at school.
Yrs 4-7
Onsite self guided activity (one hour)
Take on the challenge! Discover for yourself amazing facts about Australian flora. Students learn to estimate the age of a bottlebrush by counting its fruit, guess how many Gymea lilies will grow from a single clump, and think about ways to catch seeds from exploding fruit.
Early childhood - yr3
Onsite self guided activity (one hour)
Hunt Eucalypts, spot birds, and hug a tree to hear it whisper.
Yrs 3-6
Onsite or classroom activity
Explore floral Emblems in your classroom or at the Gardens. Take up the challenge of choosing a floral emblem for your school, town or district. Also available as a facilitated onsite program 'Aussie, Aussie Aussie – Wattle, Wattle, Wattle'
Yr 5-12
Onsite or classroom activity
Botanical art, or scientific study? Use Top Draw in the classroom and your students will be ready to draw on location in your school garden, your local bush or in the Australian National Botanic Gardens. Can be used as a single lesson or a unit of work.
Yr 5 – yr 10
Onsite or classroom activity
How did Aboriginal people use bush plants. Research in your classroom or take a stroll in the Gardens to discover some of the valued plants and traditional uses of Australia's native plants. Also available as a facilitated program Using Bush Plants - Now and Then.
ng opportunities in the Gardens.