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World Environment Day

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Thursday, 5 June 2014

World Environment Day (WED) was established by the United Nations (UN) Conference on the Human Environment in 1972 and is held each year in the week of June 5.

World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. Over the years it has grown to be a broad, global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated in over 100 countries. It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet.


Student resource- A series of simple videos on the history of Grassy Woodlands there wildlife;  Indigenous stewardship; European explorers and early settlement; Agriculture...changing landscapes; Flora, fauna and landuse change. Designed for landmanagers.


Student resourcce- A series of  videos where scientists share their passion with children for: Woodlands; Woodland Plants;Woodland Mammals;Woodland Frogs and Reptiles & Woodland Birds.


Wirraminna EEC provides student resource- Learn about your local environment with Dr Dave's fun videos, including Yabbies; Woodland Birds; Mistletoe, Emus; Eagles; Alien fish; Curlew; Native Fish; Box-Gum Grassy Woodlands; Threats to BGGW; Gliders and  Ea


Teacher resource- Share  knowledge with Taronga zoo staff through themed workshops run as  virtual excursions covering topics such as.

Stage/Age Targeted: Stages 2 and 4
Dates: Thursday 5th June, 2014

Cost: $60 (recommended class size 30)

Useful : 

Teacher and student resource- Eco Friendly Kids connects kids and their environment. This United Kingdom site provides, tips, quizzes and fun games for children, as well as  a range of eco school and classroom activities.

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Dr. Radut Consulting