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TAFE Holistic Management Course

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8 May 2014 - 9:00pm
TAFE Holistic Management course due to start in Berry NSW next week on 8 and 9 May. This course runs over 8 two-day sessions covering Holistic Decision making, planned grazing, improving ecosystem function, goal setting, financial planning, time management, land planning and much more. 

Currently the course, which provides over $240 of materials (text books, handbooks, manuals, grazing charts, land planning tools, etc.) as well as lunches and teas is costing just $464. The current subsidies are due to be reduced so now is a great opportunity. If anyone through your network would be interested they could contact Brian at brian@insideoutsidemgt.com.au or phone me at 0408 704 431



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Dr. Radut Consulting