Murrumbateman Landcare Group Meeting
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MLG May Meeting
When: Thursday 1st May 2014 7.30 to 9.00 pm
Venue: Recreation Hall, Murrumbateman
Winter warmth
With people marshalling their wood heaters and firewood supplies for the coming cold, we at Murrumbateman Landcare think that it is a good time to have a discussion exploring the use of firewood.
Is firewood a sustainable, carbon-friendly fuel?
Buying firewood or sourcing from home?
What makes good firewood?
What is the most ecologically friendly way of sourcing local firewood?
How does harvesting firewood fit in with vegetation protection legislation?
We can help make the use of your open fire or wood heater an experience of guilt-free pleasure.
The discussion will be led by Sue McIntyre (ecologist) and Alan Cole (forester)
Reading prior to the meeting is not required, but for those interested, the following links are recommended:
Background to the new self-assessment codes open for public comment:
The draft document on self-assessment for vegetation thinning relevant to our district:
Some interesting material from the firewood association on sustainability, smoke pollution etc
A detailed report on firewood use nationally:
Gill Hall
Secretary MLG