Funding to support Landcare groups
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Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc (MLi) and the Regional Landcare Facilitator (RLF) project have funding available to support groups within the Murrumbidgee catchment in their day to day activities. The funding is aimed at supporting groups to continue their NRM work and could be used for such things as newsletters, events, guest speakers, tools and safety equipment. $500 to $1500 per group is available, depending on need. Applications for greater amounts will be considered.
» Application form - community funding
» Application form - community funding
Funding is also available for community Landcare members to attend the National Landcare Conference in Melbourne on 17th-19th September. The funding is available to cover the cost of registration and the National Landcare Awards dinner.
This is a first-come, first-served offer and Landcare members are encouraged to apply sooner rather than later.
All funded attendees will be requested to submit a brief story about a topic of interest at the Conference of relevance to Landcare in our region for e-publication.
» Application form - National Landcare Conference
» Application form - National Landcare Conference