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Why are our paddock trees dying?

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8 Apr 2014 - 7:30pm

Sutton LandcareThe next meeting of Sutton Landcare is on Tuesday April 8 at Sutton School. The meeting will commence at 7.30 pm with our AGM and election of office bearers for the coming year.

Paddock treesAt 8.00 pm our guest speaker, Alan Cole will address us on the topic of Why are our paddock trees dying? His presentation will be based on his experience as a professional forester, a farmer, and on literature reviews.

Alan has a longstanding interest in the natural environment and propagating native trees and shrubs. He is a graduate in Forest Science from Melbourne University and ANU and has had extensive experience in professional forestry throughout Australia in many different situations. This includes in the Jarrah and Karri forests of WA, with bauxite mining site rehabilitation, softwood plantation management in the Mount Gambier region, as a planning forester in woodchip exports from northern Tasmania, growing Blue Gum plantations in Western Victoria, and in various forestry issue consulting activities.

Alan has also worked as a Landcare Support Officer for Murrumbidgee Landcare Incorporated and is currently the Technical Manager for Hume Forests Limited, Murray River Forests, and Snowy Mountains Forests in Tumut, NSW. Alan has a 190 ha cattle property at Bowning NSW and has established over 11 hectares of riparian and remnant vegetation restoration projects in partnerships with Greening Australia and the MCMA. He is the Chair of the Bowning and Bookham Districts Landcare Group, and participates in YAN.

With such a broad scope of experience in professional forestry, Landcare and farming his presentation promises to be of particular interest.

The meeting is open to all with an interest in this subject. Further details can be obtained from Sutton Landcare Secretary Tony Redman ph 62303266.

David Vincent (President)

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