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Breakfast Twitch at Highfield

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8 Oct 2013 - 7:30am
Riverina Highlands Landcare Network
invites you to
Comedy writer, author and bird watching enthusiast Sean Dooley will be our guest presenter at a breakfast walk at ‘Highfield’ as a follow on from Sean’s talk at the Landcare Annual Dinner.
Sean is the editor of Australian Birdlife as well as a contributor to various radio programs and newspapers where he is involved in writing and talking about birds. But his greatest claim to fame is that in 2002 he broke the Australian birdwatching record for seeing the most species in the one year. He then wrote about it in the best selling book The Big Twitch.
‘Highfield’ is a 333 hectare property bounded by the Yaven Yaven Creek and Ellerslie Nature Reserve.Two-thirds of the property is under a conservation covenant protecting critically endangered Grassy Box Woodland and the plants and animals that depend on that habitat.
To date a total of 84 different birds have been observed on ‘Highfield’ many of them from the comfort of the front verandah including the Crested Shrike –Tit, Brown Treecreeper, Black-chinned Honeyeater, Diamond Firetail, Hooded Robin, Speckled Warbler and Gang Gang.


When: 7.30am to 10.30am Friday, 8th November 2013
Where: ‘Highfield’ Scholz rd via Adelong
Cost: Free for RHLN members. Non members $5.00
RSVP: Cherie White, Murrumbidgee CMA Ph: 6941 2253 or cherie.white@cma.nsw.gov.au
What to bring: Binoculars, hat and sturdy shoes

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