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Community Food Grants

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4 Jul 2013 (All day)
The Australian Government is investing $1.5 million in the new Community Food Grants program. The Community Food Grants program is a key initiative of the National Food Plan.
The program will provide small grants to support the establishment or improvement of community food initiatives, such as farmers’ markets, food cooperatives, food hubs, community gardens and city farms. It will also support initiatives that address food insecurity, such as food rescue services.
Grants of up to $10 000 for community gardens, city farms or similar activities and up to $25 000 for farmers’ markets, food rescue and similar activities will be available.
Grants will be made available for projects to achieve one or more of the following objectives:
  • use community food initiatives to build social networks, community cohesion and resilience, and build connections between farmers and consumers
  • improve people’s knowledge about food production and preparation to encourage the adoption of healthy diets
  • improve people’s knowledge of food production and agriculture in urban areas
  • help provide surplus safe and nutritious food to disadvantaged groups.
Who can apply
Community Food Grants are open to not-for-profit organisations including, but not limited to:
  • farmers’ markets
  • charities
  • food rescue organisations
  • cooperative societies
  • Indigenous or culturally and linguistically diverse groups
  • community groups able to meet the program objectives
  • other non-government organisations.
Schools and local, state and territory governments are not eligible to apply for these grants.
To find out more download the Information for Applicants below or visit:
PDF icon Community food grants.pdf236.8 KB

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Dr. Radut Consulting