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World Environment Day Awards 2013

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7 Jun 2013 (All day)

Nominations are NOW OPEN NATIONALLY for the 2013 World Environment Day Awards.

Nominations close on Monday 22 April for the two Prime Minister's Awards, and on Wednesday 1 May for all other categories.

Each year, in support of UNEP World Environment Day (June 5), the United Nations Association of Australia recognises innovative and outstanding environmental programs and initiatives from across Australia and the important work of Australian environmental leaders through its World Environment Day Awards.
The annual national World Environment Day Awards invite nominations from individuals, organisations, businesses, local councils, schools, journalists and community groups whose work serves to protect, manage or restore our natural heritage.
The preeminent national awards play an important role in raising awareness about key environmental issues and challenges, and inspiring and motivating individuals, organisations and businesses to take positive steps towards sustainability and environmental excellence in their homes, schools, communities and workplaces.
Winners will be announced at the Awards Presentation Dinner on Friday June 7 at the Park Hyatt Melbourne.
The theme for this year’s World Environment Day celebrations is Think.Eat.Save. Think.Eat.Save is an anti-food waste and food loss campaign that encourages you to reduce your foodprint.

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Dr. Radut Consulting