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7.4 Further information

Kondinin Group’s GROUP TALK No. 9, October 2010. How accurate are soil tests?
T: 1800677761
W: www.kondiningroup.com.au

This is an independent comparison of eight different soil testing laboratories across Australia. The laboratories were sent soil samples from 10 properties in Australia's major cropping regions and the results compared.

Australian Soil Fertility Manual, CSIRO Publishing.
T: (03) 96627666
W: www.publish.csiro.au

This publication describes the types of agricultural soil in Australia, how soils are classified and how soil, water and nutrients interact. It also discusses how plants grow and the role of individual soil nutrients in plant growth.

NSW Department of Primary Industries – District Agronomists/Horticulturalists
T: 1800 808 095
E: nsw.agriculture@dpi.nsw.gov.au
W: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/about/office

Staff from NSW DPI can provide information on agricultural productivity, climate, water and soil relative to the local area.

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Dr. Radut Consulting