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7.3.4.Management of soils on a horticultural or cropping block

For blocks being used for horticulture or cropping, soil tests will again provide the best indication of any problems or potential problems. Regular tests will also indicate soil nutrient deficiencies which will be critical for crop or hay/silage production, as it is important to replace any nutrients exported off-farm in produce.
Seek advice from a local agronomist when using fertilisers so as not to create further problems in the future, especially if using synthetic nitrogen fertilisers.
Soil acidity and sodicity issues can be addressed using the strategies described when managing these issues on a livestock block. Salinity issues may be helped by planting horticultural tree crops or deep-rooted perennials, but again problems may be caused by past clearing beyond your boundaries. Becoming involved in local community groups such as Landcare may help address such issues.
While much of your block may already be cleared, it is important to maintain, enhance or revegetate with appropriate native vegetation along water flow lines to avoid erosion issues.
Do not remove natural vegetation on highly erodible country and revegetate marginal land not being used for crops or horticulture with native species.

Could include Conway case study from KVLG newsletter

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Dr. Radut Consulting