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Lives in the Landscape seminar

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24 Nov 2012 - 10:00am


Join us at this seminar
on Saturday 24 November
10.00 am for 10.30 start -12noon
Museum of the Riverina, Botanic Gardens Site,
Lord Baden Powell Drive, Willans Hill, Wagga Wagga
RSVP essential by 20 November
DISCOVER how Dame Mary Gilmore helped to save our
birdlife. MARVEL at the obstacles faced by settlers as they
worked the Riverina soils. LEARN how to take amazing
photographs of birds in their natural habitat.
You will hear from curator of the Sauntering Emu exhibition,
Rachael Vincent, NSW Department of Primary Industries
Agronomist at Wagga Wagga, Nigel Phillips, and internationally
renowned local wildlife photographer, Peter Merritt.


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Dr. Radut Consulting