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'Don't be a drifter' herbicide use workshop - Kambah (ACT)

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14 Jul 2012 - 9:00am

Are you interested in learning more about herbicide application? Are you a landholder (or working with herbicides as a Park Carer or Landcarer) in the Googong or Upper Murrumbidgee catchments south of the ACT, or in the ACT? If you answered yes, then this workshop is for you! Come along to upgrade your chemical application skills, ensure yor machinery is working correctly, enable up to date records, and gain accreditation or reaccreditation.

The Southern ACT Catchment Group (SACTCG) is organising a herbicide use training course for the weekend of 14th and 15th July 2012, at Westwood Farm near Kambah. The concept is to deliver an advanced practical/theory session over the two days, which will include using UV light to show droplets of water coloured with dye and applied to stubble, leaves or grasses at different rates, nozzles and pressures to show variables of application.

To reinforce the workshop information, participants can bring along their own equipment and have their questions answered, guided by an experienced operator. Chemical user accreditation (AQF 3/4) or reaccreditation is available if required.

This is the fourth of these courses organised by SACTCG, and run by Craig Day from 'Spray Safe and Save'. Craig adapts the course content to suit the requirements of the participants, and the first three courses have received excellent feedback.

All course costs will be covered through funding to SACTCG from ActewAGL and the ACT NRM Council.

Bookings are essential, and places are limited! To register your interest, please contact Steve Welch (Coordinator, SACTCG):

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