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National Tree Day 2012

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29 Jul 2012 - 9:00am

Planet Ark is calling on Landcare groups, schools and community members to get involved in National Tree Day 2012. Help inspire your local community to learn about their natural environment, and do something positive to help protect it for future generations!

This year, National Tree Day is on Sunday 29th July 2012, with Schools Tree Day scheduled for Friday 27th July - however, you can register a site or activity on any day that suits you.

National Tree Day is a fantastic opportunity for groups to:

  • be part of a high profile national campaign

  • showcase the work you do

  • engage your local community in the care and protection of our natural environment, and

  • recruit volunteers to help with a large environmental repair project and/or ongoing work.

National Tree Day is not just about tree planting - you can register other activities such as follow-up maintenance at a previous planting site, weed control, bush regeneration or seed collecting. Activities like guided walks, gardening workshops, kids activities, and plant or mulch give-aways are also popular, either in addition to, or instead of, tree planting or maintenance activities.

How to get involved

To register a National Tree Day activity, or find out more about what’s involved, visit the Tree Day website: www.treeday.planetark.org. You can also call the National Tree Day Hotline on 1300 88 5000.

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Dr. Radut Consulting