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CPP Project 3 - On-ground Works

On-ground works

Cross property planning meetingThe approach to on-ground works has been to coordinate works through the cross-property groups, to develop plans on each land holder's property which contribute to landscape scale conservation goals.

Direct funding has been provided to land holders through the project to support on-ground works including:

  • Planting tree corridors and other areas of native vegetation
  • Protecting existing areas of native vegetation, or paddock trees, through fencing to control stock access and additional plantings
  • Participation in area-wide pest management programs, such as fox baiting
  • Restricting stock access to dams or natural waterways
  • Undertaking weed management.

Stories from some of the land holder's involved in the project, discussing the work they have done, and their long-term NRM goals are included below.

At the completion of the CPP Project, a Case Study Booklet was produced, containing stories of 20 of the landholders involved in the project. This booklet can be downloaded here.

Humula-Tarcutta CPP Group:


Junee-Illabo-Bethungra CPP Group:


Kyeamba CPP Group:



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Dr. Radut Consulting