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Community Landcare grant

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Caring for Our CountryMurrumbidgee Landcare has received funding for a series of field days that will focus on grazing native pasture and  using grazing management to suppress weed spread. A number of field days will be held in different locations across the Murrumbidgee catchment, presenting best practice principles for sustainable grazing of native and improved native pastures, and integrated weed management.

Community Landcare Grant activities focus on agriculture rather than biodiversity but biodiversity topics can and will be included in the field days if they relate to the project aims and are of particular interest to landholders.

The field days will mostly be conducted in the lower catchment and MLi staff have already begun talks with landholders and Landcare groups in a number of areas in order to ascertain potential topics, presenters, dates and locations.

Contact: office@murrumbidgeelandcare.asn.au ph. 02 6933 1443


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