Champions of Change - Farmers and their Paddock Trees

The humble paddock tree is a familiar sight across the farming landscape. Often hundreds of years in age, these landscape giants provide valuable shelter for livestock, crops, pastures, and wildlife. Unfortunately, the number of paddock trees is declining across Australia, due to age, isolation, fire damage, and other stresses.
However, many farmers are seeking to address this decline, by protecting their existing trees, and encouraging the growth of new paddock trees on their properties. Murrumbidgee Landcare has launched a new video featuring some of the inspiring work being done by farmers to arrest the decline in paddock trees and nurture future generations. The video includes footage from across the Murrumbidgee Catchment, and is punctuated by some lighthearted behind-the-scenes bloopers.
The video was funded by the NSW Environmental Trust through a grant to Murrumbidgee Landcare and was produced by Matt Herring at Murray Wildlife and Nathan Smith at NJ Productions.