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Monaro Landscape Connectivity project

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Monaro landscape connectivity

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The Monaro Landscape Connectivity project aims to work with land managers to actively manage patches of native vegetation across the Monaro region in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Interested land managers can also be involved in the application of Indigenous land management practices on their property, and participate in digital PlaceStories.

What is available to land managers?

Participating land managers will be offered support and advice to actively manage patches of native vegetationon their properties, from the three partner organisations delivering the project - Murrumbidgee Landcare, Kosciuszko to Coast and the Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority (CMA).

Participating land managers can also receive a management plan, or enter into an agreement with the Murrumbidgee CMA to receive incentive funding to assist them in managing native vegetation on their property, including:

  • Fencing to manage stock access;
  • Strategic planting of native trees and shrubs; and
  • Controlling exotic plants.

The Monaro Landscape Connectivity project will also assist interested land managers to apply Indigenous land management practices and participate in a short digital film using PlaceStories™.

Who is eligible to participate?

All land managers (public or private land) across the Monaro region within the Murrumbidgee catchment are eligible to participate, subject to the following criteria (to receive incentive funding):

  • The nominated patch of native vegetation should be greater than 10 ha (or 5 ha for grassland vegetation);
  • The nominated patch of native vegetation should be located within the project area (see map in the Information Sheet, below); and
  • The nominated patch of native vegetation is not currently or has not previously received funding for its management from another project.

Preference will be given to patches of native vegetation that are connected (within 1 km) of another area of native vegetation (woody or grassland). This connectivity is important as it allows native species to move between areas of habitat for foraging and breeding.

How can I get involved?

To express your interest in becoming involved, complete and submit the EOI form (link below).

For more information, contact Wendy Minato (Regional Landcare Facilitator):

Caring for Our CountryRegional Landcare Facilitator project

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