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Environmental Education Grants

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Environmental Trust

The aim of the Environmental Education program is to support educational projects or programs that develop or widen the community's knowledge of, skills in, and commitment to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable behaviour.

The Objectives of the Environmental Education Program are:

  • to help attain one or more of the outcomes in the NSW Government's Environmental Education Plan, Learning for Sustainability
  • to facilitate changes in behaviour of individuals and groups which affect specific environmental problems
  • to develop and promote education projects which improve the environment.

Funding for 2009

The total funds being offered under the Environmental Education program in 2009 are as follows:

  • $0.5 million to the Community Organisations program and
  • $0.5 million to the State and Local Government program.

Grants of between $5,000 and $100,000 are available for projects that provide resources or the undertaking of educational projects to increase the environmental awareness of individuals, specific groups, special interest groups and/or the general community.
Application process for 2009

The Environmental Education application process is a two-stage process. The Trust will only accept applications that are invited as a result of the Expression of Interest process.

PDF icon EnvEdGuide2008.pdf137.24 KB
Microsoft Office document icon EOIED2009.doc141 KB
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Dr. Radut Consulting