Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news - December 2018

Welcome to the December edition of Murrumbidgee Landcare's e-news! As might be expected, this is a quiet time of year for Landcare, so this is only a short newsletter.
The annual Snakes Alive! Event is on again in Canberra in January, and provides an excellent fun and educational school holiday activity.
And if you’re in the Wagga area, you can help Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare by selecting to donate your refund to the group when returning your bottles and cans to a local Return and Earn station.
We wish you all a happy festive season, and hope that everyone gets through the bushfire season safely. There won’t be an e-news in January, but we will be back in February 2019. We hope to launch our new MLi website early in the new year too, so keep an eye out for our flash new site and accompanying newsletter!
Remember, if you’d like some assistance or advice on anything to do with Landcare, you can always contact your Local Landcare Coordinator or the Murrumbidgee Landcare office. We’re here to help all Landcarer’s in our region!
Nicole and the team at MLi
Review of draft TSR Plan of Management - Closes 21 Dec
Private Native Forestry review - Closes 31 Jan
Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare - Return & Earn fundraising drive
Upcoming events
Snakes Alive! - Canberra - 14 to 20 Jan
Active Farmers - Tarcutta - Every Wed morning
Funding and other opportunities
National Landcare Program - Smart Farms Small Grants - Close 11 Jan
Landcare in Focus (the newsletter of Landcare Australia) - November 2018
The Advocate (the newsletter of Landcare NSW) - December 2018
Grassy Groundcover Gazette (the newsletter of Greening Australia's Grassy Groundcover Restoration team) - December 2018