Seasonal conditions workshop - Breadalbane
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5 Sep 2018 - 2:30pm
Making informed decisions when times are tough
Breadalbane Hall (Collector-Breadalbane Rd (opposite Breadalbane Public School)
With the continuing dry conditions and spring fast approaching, this information session will help you to assess the current situation and prepare for the future.
Topics to be covered:
- what is realistically possible this spring?
- water stocktake – do you have enough to get through?
- enterprise analysis – what impact is feeding stock having on your bottom line?
- nutritional requirements, animal health and welfare
- planning ahead – livestock and pasture management, land management, budgets and decision points
- available assistance and support.
the workshop will run for around 2 - 2.5 hours. After the presentations staff will be available to have a chat and help you work through your situation.
Staff in attendance
• Matthew Lieschke, LLS Ag Advisor, Livestock
• Henry Clutterbuck, District Vet, LLS
• LLS Biosecurity Officers
• Ted O’Kane, NSW DPI Rural Resilience Program
• Judy Carmody, NSW Health
• Beverly Houterman, Rural Financial Counsellor