Algal monitoring workshop - Hay
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19 Jul 2018 - 9:00am
A/Professor Simon Mitrovic (Freshwater and Estuarine Research Group, University of Technology Sydney) will present this workshop on algal monitoring.
When: 9.00 -11am Thursday 19th July
Where: 25,542 Sturt Highway (10 km east of Hay)
“Amaroo” Jill and Geoff Chapman, (wet weather venue to be organized if needed)
Cost: Free!
What to bring: Water sample with algae - this is not essential, but if you have a sample it needs to be taken in a cold clean container and kept in the fridge. Please minimise the time from sampling to testing, for the most accurate ID
RSVP: ASAP for algal kit numbers and catering, Geoff Chapman (Hay Landcare) - 0428 930 691