Yass River Linkages phase 2 - Funding opportunity

Rivers of Carbon are delighted to have received funding from the New South Wales Environmental Trust to continue the work they started in our Yass River Linkages Phase One project.
Rivers of Carbon: Yass River Linkages Phase Two will build on the relationships and work already accomplished in this catchment to protect and improve water quality and riparian outcomes. Yass is an important water supply catchment, and Rivers of Carbon focuses on reducing sedimentation, regenerating structurally complex riparian vegetation, and boosting biodiversity.
With an engagement approach targeting fish habitat, RoC will continue to work with NSW Department of Primary Industry Fisheries to conduct fish surveys and examine the possibilities of bringing native species formerly found in the Yass River, back into the waterway.
For more information, visit the website: http://riversofcarbon.org.au/our-projects/rivers-carbon-yass-river-linka...
Project partners are Greening Australia, Yass Area Network of Landcare, South-east Local Land Services and the local community.
Over the next two years, the project will:
- Protect and enhance 5 km of riparian corridor (24 ha)
- Link and enhance 300 ha of remnant vegetation
- Revegetate 20 ha of riparian corridor
- Negotiate 6 ten year landholder agreements
- Provide alternative water to 4 sites to offset loss of direct water supply
- Fence 5 km of riparian zones
- Plant 5,000 tubestock
- Direct seed 4 km using local provenance native seed
- Monitor progress and record on-ground outcomes at 6 sites at the beginning of the project
- Undertake willow control at 3 sites
- Raise awareness at 2 activities (workshops, field days)
RoC would love to hear from any landholders living along the Yass River who might like to get involved in this second phase of the project.
Incentives for fencing, alternative water, revegetation and some weed control (complementary to on-ground works) will be provided to enable landholders to better manage riparian zones within a framework of sustainable agriculture.
The map below shows the region covered.