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Adapt NSW - Discover everything you need to know about climate change in NSW!

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The NSW Governments Office of Environment and Heritage have a new web portal - AdaptNSW - where they have used long term data collected across the state to make predictions about how our weather will change in the near future (2020-2039) and far future (2060–2079).

The website has a range of useful resources to explore, incuding:

  • Climate change projections: Tailor the search to your local area, region or the whole state, and specify a specific timeframe
  • About climate change: Learn about climate change with information specific to NSW
  • Impacts of climate change: Investigate the likely impacts of climate change on different regions and operations
  • Adapt to climate change: Use the resources to learn about different options to help you prepare for changing conditions in the future
  • Educational resources: A useful toolkit of information and resources to help demystify all of the information swirling around about climate change.

There is also a wealth of information for teachers (and students), along with a newsletter which you can sign up to if you'd like to receive regular updates.

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Dr. Radut Consulting