Landcare NSW 2017 Muster Report

Landcare NSW would like to thank all Landcarers who participated in or contributed to the 2017 Muster.
“Since 2007 Landcare NSW has hosted a biennial Muster to gain feedback from grassroots Landcarers about issues of importance to them and their communities,” said Landcare NSW Chair Mr Rob Dulhunty.
The 2017 NSW Landcare Muster provided an opportunity for the diverse Landcare community to capture collective issues and consistent themes. The outcomes of the ‘many hands one voice’ concept of the Muster guides the actions of Landcare NSW between Musters. The Final report of the Muster has now been completed.
“The report captures your input at the 2017 Muster. This provides Landcare NSW with guidance as to matters of importance to grassroots Landcarers, and suggests actions that can help achieve the outcomes desired," Mr Dulhunty said.
“All level of Landcare have a role in working towards these outcomes – Landcare NSW commits to doing so at the state level; and as we look forward to supporting local Landcarers in achieving outcomes at the local district and regional scales.”
The 2017 Muster was brought to you by Landcare NSW with the support of the NSW Environmental Trust and the National Landcare Program.