Australian Society of Animal Production conference - Wagga
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2 Jul 2018 (All day)
The 32nd Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production - Animal Production 2018 - will include a dynamic program that will bring scientists, educators, social scientists, extension experts, consultants, consumer advocates, processors and producers together to share the latest information on all aspects of animal production.
The conference tagline, fostering innovation through the value chain, will deliver a cross-species focused program sourcing international and national speakers on topics such as:
- Opportunities for innovation in animal production – a cross-species view
- Understanding the consumer: social, economic and animal welfare in animal production industries
- Mixed farming and grazing systems: integration, management, innovation
- The value of big data and its potential as a resource
In addition, the authors of contributed papers will deliver the latest science from a wide range of disciplines through the concurrent sessions. Animal Production 2018 will offer a special issue of Animal Production Science.
In 2018, there will be new collaborations during the conference week. Animal Production 2018’s program for Wednesday July 4th will have a producer focus as it aligns with the Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation to deliver their annual sheep and beef forum content to members and producers. This ‘Producer Day’ will then dovetail into the Australian Association of Ruminant Nutrition’s program for Thursday July 5th which will provide applied science to producers, nutritionists, vets, farm advisers and researchers.
Don’t miss being in Wagga Wagga during the first week in July 2018!!
Further information and registration options are available here. Note that registrations close 5 pm 20 June 2018.