Silverleaf Nightshade and Aquatic Weeds workshop - Griffith
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17 May 2018 - 10:00am
Come along to this informative workshop to learn all about best practive management of the aquatic weed Sagittaria, and hear an update on biological control options for sagittaria and silverleaf nightshade.
The workshop will be held at the Murrumbidgee Irrigation office, Grifith.
Topics to be covered include:
- Silverleaf nightshade integrated management and biological control research update - Greg Lefoe and Hanwen Wu
- Online resources for biological control - Greg Lefoe
- Update on Sagittaira biological control - Rae Kwong
- Findings of sagittaria best practice management project - Daniel Clements
- Open discussion on: Validity of Sagitaria best practice management findings, and prioritising sagittaria knowledge gaps and next steps - Tony Dugdale
- Managing sagittaria with imazapyr in irrigation channels - Daniel Clements
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