Biological weed control training day - Corrowong (nr Delegate)
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3 May 2018 - 9:00am
This training day will show you how to use control agents on weeds such as Patersons Curse, Vipers Bugloss, Bridal Creeper, St. John's Wort, Blackberry, Docks, Thistles, Horehound, Prickly Pear and Aquatic Weeds like Salvinia and Water Hyacinth.
Biological agents include weevils, moths, mites, beetles and rusts. Larvae and adults feed on the crown, leaves and roots of these weeds, leading to the death of the plant or reducing seed production. Biological control aims to make weed control more manageable and cost effective and is ideal in hilly terrain where other control methods are expensive or unsafe.
Location: Corrowong Fire Shed & Byadbo Wilderness Area (about 25km from Delegate).
Presented by Corrowong Wallendibby Landcare Group
Please register before Friday 27 April by contacting Robert or Toni McLeish on or 0467572431 – a BBQ lunch will be provided.

The training will be provided by Barry Sampson who has 30 years experience in Biological Control of Weeds with NSW Agriculture, CSIRO and other bodies. This training is part of the project “Intergrated Weed Management for Production and Biodiversity”, supported by South East Local Land Services and funded by the Australian Government‘s National Landcare Programme, through the Community, Industry and Landscapes Fund.
Principles of Biological Weed Control
- Understanding how biocontrol fits in as part of an integrated weed management program
- The life cycle of control agents and weeds
- Types of control agents available and the conditions needed for a successful biocontrol program
- Identifying control agents that are already in the field
Paddock walk, in Byadbo Wilderness Area:
- Overview of weed management challenges and weed management plant in Bydabo Wilderness Area
- Identifying weeds and control agents
- How and where to release control agents
- Release of control agents if a suitable site and host weed is found
- Access will require 4wd vehicles which can be shared on the day