1080 / Pindone baiting course - Boorowa
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South East LLS are conducting this 1080/Pindone accreditation course in Boorowa. Landholders wanting to use 1080 or Pindone baits to control pest animals, such as foxes and rabbits, require a current AQF3 Certificate to allow them to legally use these baits on their property.
The course will give participants information on the baits, how to use them, safety precautions and legal requirements.
The course will last approximately 2 hours. Participants who successfully complete the course will be issued a VPT certification card, and will remain accredited to use 1080 and Pindone for five years.
The course is free to Feral Fighter landholders with properties over 10 ha, or $33 for those on less than 10 ha.
For further information, and to RSVP, please contact Scott Schlunke: (02) 61 187 700 or scott.schlunke@lls.nsw.gov.au