Supplier Improvement Plan - Applications now open

This service provides businesses with a Supplier Improvement Plan to help you improve your supply chain performance and better understand your customer’s needs and requirements.
To apply you must be a for-profit company operating in Australia, be non tax-exempt, and be registered for GST.
Other eligibility requirements may apply.
Applications may be made at any time.
Contact information
13 28 46
The Supplier Improvement Plan service provides tailored advice to help your business to:
- develop a better understanding of your customer’s needs and requirements
- increase your supplier capability
- improve your access to new and existing markets.
A Supplier Improvement Plan will give you:
- access to, and active engagement with, a highly qualified and experienced Business Adviser or Business Facilitator over 12 months
- independent guidance and insight about your customer’s needs and requirements
- a customised action plan with recommendations for improvement
- assistance to implement the recommendations in your action plan.
- Following the development of a Supplier Improvement Plan, you may be eligible to apply for matched government funding of up to $20,000 through a Business Growth Grant.
Eligibility criteria
Your Business must:
- Satisfy one of the following:
- be operating in one or more of the Growth Sectors which are:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Food and Agribusiness
- Medical Technologies and Pharmaceuticals
- Mining Equipment, Technology and Services
- Oil, Gas and Energy Resources,
- provide Enabling Technologies and Services to one or more of the Growth Sectors
- have the skills, ability, expertise or intellectual property to work in or with one or more of the Growth Sectors in the future
- be a tourism business operating in northern Australia.
- be operating in one or more of the Growth Sectors which are:
- be solvent
- have filed Business Activity Statements in Australia showing ongoing trading in at least three successive years
- have an annual turnover (or operating expenditure) within the current, or one of the last two financial years:
- Between $1.5 million and $100 million, or
- Between $750,000 and $100 million for applicants from remote Australia or northern Australia.
- not have received a Supplier Improvement Plan in the last five years.
How to apply
Before applying you should read the Customer Information Guide.
If you are not already participating in a project you should first check that your customer is willing to be contacted by a Business Adviser or Business Facilitator and supports your application. This will help you get the most out of the service.
The Business Evaluation service might be of interest if you don't have support from your customer and there are no existing supply chain projects suitable for your business.
If you have identified a business opportunity across your supply chain and would like us to work with your suppliers to help them build the capability required, email
To apply, fill in the online application form.