Indigenous Advancement Strategy Community Led Grants

The Community Led process enables Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, communities and service providers to, at any time, apply for IAS grant funding for projects that address an emerging need or opportunity. This new way of doing business will enable the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet to respond to the priorities identified by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.
Community Led Grants provide an opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to devise strategies that will support their community and the people living in it.
How do I apply?
Organisations can pply for Community Led Grants at any time. As a first step, potential applicants must discuss their proposal with their local PM&C Regional Network office, by calling 1800 079 098 and asking to speak to a staff member in their local office.
For enquiries relating to national projects, projects relating to tertiary education or for projects across multiple regions, please email
Further information can be found on the website, or by downloading the Application Kit.