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The Hon. Penny Wong, Minister for Climate Change and Water, in Wagga Wagga

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The Wagga Wagga Branch of Country Labor presents the 4th Eddie Graham Dinner with guest speaker the Hon. Senator Penny Wong.

The details are as follows:

Date: Friday 29th of August
Venue: The Commercial Club, Gurwood Street, WaggaWagga
Time: 7:00pm
Cost: Waged $45 Unwaged $35
RSVP: 24th August (please indicate if you would like a vegetarian meal)

Contact: Bryce Wilson on 69331451 or 0427 544 368

As with previous years you can book for a single or a whole table (8 per table) and once confirmed simply collect your ticket and pay at the door. If you wish you can also pay before the night.

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