Congratulations to the Riverina's Landcare Champions!

The Landcare Champions have been announced for the NSW Landcare Awards, and we are excited to see that there are several Champions from our region! Congratulations to all those that have been recognised for their dedication to the Landcare ethos.
Landcare Champions from the Riverina include:
- David Marsh, Booroowa Community Landcare - Individual Landcarer Award
- Mikla Lewis, Lachlandcare - Individual Landcarer Award
- Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc - Excellence in Sustainable Farm Practices Award
- The Mulloon Institute - Excellence in Sustainable Farm Practices Award
- Ross Webster, Yass River - NSW Fish Habitat Partnership Individual Award
Full list of NSW Landcare Award Champions
Australian Government Individual Landcarer Award: For an individual volunteer who has demonstrated leadership in, and commitment to improving land management practices through practical on-ground or community awareness actions
- Champion: David Marsh – Boorowa Community Landcare
- Champion: Mikla Lewis – Lachlandcare
- Champion: Lloyd Foster – Coffs Harbour Bushland Regeneration Group
Australian Government Partnerships for Landcare Award: A partnership of individuals, groups, or organisations that have demonstrated leadership and achievement in Landcare related activities because of the partnership
- Champion: Gwydir Shire Council
- Champion: Wallamore Road Landcare Group
- Champion: Western Landcare NSW
Australian Government Innovation in Agriculture and Land Management Award: A primary producer or enterprise that has demomstrated leadership in the discovery and/or application of an innovative farm and/or land management practice that delivers improved natural resource management and farm productivity outcomes
- Champion: Kadwell Potato Co.
- Champion: Beechwood Biological Solutions
- Champion: Braidwood Garlic Growers Group
Australian Government Excellence in Sustainable Farm Practices Award: An individual, group or organisation that has demonstrated excellence and leadership in implementing integrated land management practices to a farm property or properties that protect soils, water and vegetation
- Champion: Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
- Champion: Small Farms Network – Capital Region
- Champion: The Mulloon Institute
Rio Tinto Indigenous Land Management Award: An outstanding indigenous community group or individual that is working towards improving land use and/or enhancing or protecting an area on behalf of the community
- Champion: Garguaree Swampcare
- Champion: Northern Tablelands Local Land Services Aboriginal Reference Group
- Champion: Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation
Junior Landcare Team Award: A youth organisation or young Landcare team that contributes to raising awareness, knowledge and understanding of Landcare amongst young people up to the age of 18, and implements Landcare practices on its own property or within the local community
- Champion: Armidale High School Black Creek BushCare group
- Champion: Chifley Public School
- Champion: Bourke High School – Yarra Landcare
Sure Gro Coastcare Award: A community group/network that has demonstrated excellence in activities that have contributed to the significant improvement of local coastal and/or marine environments, including estuaries, coastal and marine wetlands and salt marsh ecosystems
- Champion: Clean4Shore
- Champion: Fingal Head Coastcare Inc.
- Champion: Far South Coast Landcare Association
Fairfax Landcare Community Group Award: An outstanding community group that is working towards sustainable land use and/or is undertaking on-ground action to protect, enhance or restore an area on behalf of the community
- Champion: FROGS Landcare Inc.
- Champion: The Habitat
- Champion: Northside Enterprise Inc. - Bushlink
Austcover Young Landcare Leader Award: An individual between the ages of 15 -35 years who carries out and/or promotes excellence in Landcare through on-ground or awareness raising activities, as a volunteer or paid employee
- Champion: Sophie Robertson – Hunter Intrepid Landcare
- Champion: Joshua Gilbert – Intrepid landcare
- Champion: Jade Paton – Wetland Warriors
NSW Fish Habitat Partnership Organisation Award: An organisation or group that has demonstrated leadership in significant on-ground rehabilitation actions to improve the state of fish habitat in NSW and/or increase support, resourcing and/or understanding of the importance of fish habitat in NSW
- Champion: Inland Waterways Volunteer Committee
NSW Fish Habitat Partnership Individual Award: An individual that has demonstrated leadership in significant on-ground rehabilitation actions to improve the state of fish habitat in NSW and/or increase support, resourcing and/or understanding of the importance of fish habitat in NSW
- Champion: Ross Webster – Yass River