National Landcare Program - Phase Two

The Australian Government is investing more than $1 billion in the next phase of the National Landcare Program. The majority of this will be delivered over the five year period from July 2018 to June 2023.
With its investment in the next phase of the National Landcare Program, the Australian Government aims to work in partnership with governments, industry, communities and individuals to protect and conserve Australia’s water, soil, plants, animals and ecosystems, as well as support the productive and sustainable use of these valuable resources.
Programs funded under Phase Two
The next phase of the National Landcare Program includes funding for programs including:
Smart Farms Program: The Government is allocating $134 million to support the development and uptake of best practice management, tools and technologies that help farmers, fishers, foresters and regional communities improve the protection, resilience and productive capacity of our soils, water and vegetation, in turn supporting successful primary industries and regional communities.
Regional Land Partnerships: This program will deliver $450 million Australia-wide to deliver national priorities at a regional and local level.
Environment small grants: The Government is providing $5 million in small grants to community, landcare, environment and other natural resource management groups to deliver NRM activities that improve the quality of the local environment. The small grants will be allocated through a one-off grant round in the 2017-18 financial year.
Caring for our World Heritage places: This will be provided to help with the management of our treasured World Heritage sites. A particular focus will be addressing critical threats such as feral animals and weeds, and changed fire regimes.
Support for Indigenous Protected Areas: The Government will provide $15 million for Indigenous Protected Areas, in addition to an investment of $93 million for the ongoing support of existing Indigenous Protected Areas.
Centre for Invasive Species Solutions: The Government is supporting the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre’s transition into the new Centre for Invasive Species Solutions. The new Centre is focusing on invasive species management and this investment supports the Centre and its efforts to carry out research, development and extension activities aimed at managing invasive animals and weeds.
For more information on Phase Two, visit the website: