Murrumbidgee Landcare e-news - September 2017

Welcome to the September edition of Murrumbidgee Landcare's e-news!
The 2017 NSW Landcare and LLS Conference is coming up next month, and with the conference being held just down in Albury it is a great chance to get involved.
On Day One of the Conference, you can help guide the future direction of Landcare NSW by attending the Landcare Muster. You can also contribute to the Muster by completing the online survey, or hosting a Mini-Muster with your local Group.
The full Conference is shaping up to be a huge event, with a packed program of presentations, workshops and field trips all centred around the themes of agriculture, biodiversity, water and Aboriginal Landcare. There are many different registration opens, from single sessions through to the complete 3-day package, and there are special prices for individual community members too. Early registration prices will end on 25 September, so now is the time to purchase your tickets!
There are also lots of grants and other opportunities available at the moment, including vacancies for Murrumbidgee Landcare's Executive Officer, and Landcare NSW's State Landcare Coordinator. These will both be fantastic career opportunities for the right people, so if you are interested be sure to check them out.
If you would like more information on anything, or would like to talk to someone about Landcare in your region, please feel free to contact your Local Landcare Coordinator or the Murrumbidgee Landcare office.
"Sustaining Landcare: The next chapter" - Consultation open
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalist’s walk up to Eagle Falls
Best practice tips and tactics for Silverleaf Nightshade Control now available!
Interesting Silverleaf Nghtshade articles and nutritional information
Upcoming events
Fit Farmers Workshop - Crookwell - 15 Sep
Better understand your farm's performance - Tumbarumba - 18 Sep
Landcare Shed at Henty Machinery Field Days - Henty - 19-21 Sep
Healthy Soil for Healthy Farms workshops - Various locations, Lachlan region - Various dates between 19 & 26 Sep
Wildflower walk - Galore Hill - 24 Sep
More profitable farming workshops - Corryong and Deniliquin - 25 & 26 Sep
Riverine Plains Spring Field Day - Yarrawonga, VIC - 28 Sep
Family night stalk & BBQ - Livingstone NP - 6 Oct
Managing wetlands in farming systems - Berrigan - 13 Oct
NSW Weeds Conference - Armidale - 16-19 Oct
Wetland plant identification course - Cohuna, VIC - 18 Oct
Aussie Backyard Bird Count - 23-29 Oct
Australian Agronomy Conference - Ballarat - 24-28 Oct
NSW Landcare Muster - Albury - 25 Oct
Landcare and Local Land Services Conference - Albury - 25-27 Oct
Rural Women's Gathering - Narrandera - 27-29 Oct
Funding and other opportunities
Hollows for homes - Free nest boxes!
Paddock Tree project: Landholder expression of interest
Diploma of Business (Governance) scholarship - Closes 15 Sep
Position Vacant - MLi Executive Officer - Closes 17 Sep
Position Vacant - State Landcare Coordinator (Landcare NSW) - Closes 20 Sep
Small Grants for Rural Communities - Closes 27 Sep
2017 NSW Farmer of the Year Award - Closes 27 Sep
Stronger Communities grants - Closes 28 Sep
Australian Rural Leadership Program - Applications now open - Closes 30 Sep
Dairy produce scholarship - Closes 30 Sep
2018 Science and Innovation Awards - Closes 13 Oct
Children's Week Design Competition - Closes 13 Oct
Jan Cathcart Scholarship for women in the rice industry - Closes 14 Oct
Landcare NSW Muster Preparation - Closes 25 Oct
Small Environmental Grant Scheme - Closes Nov (or when all funds allocated)
Community Landcare Pop-up Grants - Closes 30 Apr 2018 (or when all funds allocated)
The Advocate (the newsletter of Landcare NSW) - August 2017
Science for Saving Species (the newsletter of the Threatened Species Recovery Hub) - Winter 2017
The Murrumbidgee Naturalist (the newsletter of the Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists) – September 2017
The Innovator (the newsletter of the Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation) - Spring 2017
NRM on Farms - September 2017