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Feral Fighters - Spring fox baiting program 2017

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Riverina Local Land Services plan to undertake the annual fox baiting program to coincide with spring lambing.
In uncontrolled areas, foxes have been shown to cause lamb losses of up to 30% and also target other animals such as calves, goats, deer, water fowl and poultry. They also cause significant environmental damage by preying on native wildlife and spreading weeds such as blackberries.
Join the Feral Fighters program to help reduce fox/wild dog numbers in your area and reduce damage to rural properties, stock and native animals. 
Landholders who register to become a Feral Fighter can receive:
  • Free pesticide training
  • The first 30 meat baits free
  • An aerial map of your property for planning purposes
  • Up-to-date information and support from the LLS
For more information on how to become a Feral Fighter, see the attached flyer.
If you are already a part of the program and would like to view spring baiting group dates please visit the Riverina LLS website: http://riverina.lls.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity/pest-control/feral-fighters
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