It is an exciting month, with a huge selection of events on offer. National Tree Day is at the end of July, and there are events being held at Tumut, Hay, Leeton and Wagga to celebrate this.
There are some great opportunities available for rural women, including the “Are you Board Room ready?” breakfast workshop at Deniliquin, and the “Think Big” Rural Women program.
There are also opportunities for the kids, including the Threatened Species Children's Art Competition, and a fabulous “Frogs 'n logs” spotlighting evening at Corowa.
Of course there are plenty more activities, including field days, workshops, conferences and grants, so take the time to read through the newsletter and pick out those that appeal to you!
If you would like more information on anything, or would like to talk to someone about Landcare in your region, please feel free to contact your Local Landcare Coordinator or the Murrumbidgee Landcare office.
Riverina Regional Strategic Weeds Management Plan
Interesting silverleaf nightshade articles and nutritional information
National Tree Day Events
National Tree Day - Tumut 24 to 29 July 2017
Hey, plant a native! - Hay 29 July 2017
National Tree Day - Fivebough Wetlands, Leeton 30 July 2017
National Tree Day - Wagga 30 July 2017
Upcoming events
Horticulture stakeholder consultation workshop - Wagga 20 July 2017
Horticulture stakeholder consultation workshop - Batlow 21 July 2017
NPA-ACT: Symposium on fire management 21 July 2017
GRDC Grains Research Update - Yanco 26 July 2017
GRDC Grains Research Update - Moama 27 July 2017
Benchmarking and Guest Panel evening - Finley 24 July 2017
Are you Board Room ready? - Deniliquin 25 July 2017
NSW Grasslands Conference - Cowra 25 to 26 July 2017
Quad bike safety training - Holbrook 26 July 2017
FarmLink Annual Dinner - Temora 28 July 2017
Tumut wetland quarterly bird survey - Tumut 29 July 2017
Don't endure mental hell - Lockhart 2 August 2017
Holbrook Landcare Beef Group Winter Dinner - Holbrook 2 August 2017
Polyfaces documentary screening - Temora 3 August 2017
Riverina Highlands Landcare winter warmer dinner - Adelong 3 August 2017
Ricegrowers' Association Annual Conference - Leeton 3 August 2017
GRDC Grains Research update - Grenfell 3 August 2017
Graham Centre Beef Forum - Wagga 4 August 2017
Tree pruning workshop - Maude 6 August 2017
Direct seeder demonstration - Kyeamba Valley 9 August 2017
Frogs 'n logs in the spotlight - Corowa 16 August 2017
Cypress pine sandhill vegetation management day - Hay 16 August 2017
WeedSmart forum and farm visits - Wagga 21 to 23 August 2017
MDB Native Fish Forum - Canberra 23 to 24 August 2017
Landcare and Local Land Services Conference - Albury 25-27 October 2017
Funding and other opportunities
Community Landcare Pop-up Grants
Hollows for homes - Free nest boxes!
John Holliday Student Fisheries Conservation Award
Paddock Tree project: Landholder expression of interest
Protecting Our Places Grants - Now open
Riverina LLS Funding Program 2017-18
Think Big Rural Women program - Murray region
Threatened Species Children's Art Competition
20 Million Trees competitive grants - Now open
Junee Area Landcare Network - Winter 2017
Kyeamba Valley Landcare Group - Winter 2017
Tarcutta Valley Landcare Group - Winter 2017
Decision Point Newsletter - July 2017
The Innovator Newsletter - Winter 2017
Murrumbidgee Field Naturalists Newsletter - June 2017
NRM on Farms Newsletter - June 2017
Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc. (MLi) is a not-for-profit organisation representing community Landcare in the Murrumbidgee catchment. Our e-news is a project of MLi and the Regional Landcare Facilitator project. Please contact us to have content included in our next monthly e-news.
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© 2015 Murrumbidgee Landcare Inc.
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